Thursday, December 28, 2006

sometimes i feel like most fiction these days is bullshit.
i am reading mcsweeney's (got it for christmas) and mostly enjoying it, except that i keep coming across the dumbest lines: we were in a cafe and she was wearing all black. OH PLEASE.

also, miranda july seems vastly overrated. me and you and everyone we know was pretty weak, tried too hard to be shocking, and relied on pointless, dumb, overly-cute gimmicks (like that bit about writing "me" on one shoe and "you: on the other) to win over the hearts and minds (lol, like in a war) of indie girls. her story in mcsweeney's also feels kind of weak and wants to be shockingly vulgar and modern, but it's eh.

not that mcsweeney's is the be all end all of fiction today. just saying. unc's cellar door can be pretty bad, too, sometimes.

in other news, i got a musical saw for christmas, look for my album as soon as i learn how to play the thing.
furthermore, i am embarking upon a fitness journey, with the january 2007 issue of women's health as my trusty guide. if anyone cares to join me on short jogs outside or on the treadmill, i'd be delighted. you can't do the other part with me, though, because i think i'd be embarrassed for you to watch me on the stability ball.

and finally, i have begun saving/investing with a roth ira. and some individual stocks, too. it is exciting. i'd just like to share the good news: people our age can make a million dollaz before retiring, if you start saving and investing now. it ain't hard, look into it. you can read good things about this at the motley fool.
i'll be a baller in my Depends.

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