Thursday, May 14, 2009


 i have become a real asshole. i find myself going for a jog most evenings and thinking asshole things like, "oh! what a splendid evening it is for a run!" and "MY! isn't this so CLEANSING! and MEDITATIVE!?" but it really is cleansing and meditative, to be out in the world, in the twilight, under the trees, enjoying the capacities of my young, able body, rather than passively inhabiting it (you know, just slugging around, like a slug. sluggishly. like i do at work.), so i guess i'll keep it up.

i'm still just starting out, i am doing a couch to 5k running plan (not that i plan to run a 5k, ever) and it is so manageable. i made playlists to go along with it.

 the strawberries i brought home a few weeks ago weren't quite ready. still too tart. i bought some again this week. they are ready now, to be devoured while you're still hot from your evening run, to be plucked from the fridge late at night and sucked down greedily in the frigidaire's wan yellow glow while the cold air leaks out around you. YUMMMMMMM.

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